
NAR Commission Lawsuit

The NAR Commission Lawsuit: A Comprehensive Update for 2023

The NAR Commission Lawsuit is a pivotal legal battle involving the National Association of Realtors (NAR) that has the potential to reshape the real estate industry. This lawsuit has garnered significant attention due to its focus on commission structures and antitrust allegations. This article aims to provide a comprehensive update on the NAR Commission Lawsuit as of 2023, including key testimonies, legal statuses, and potential implications for the real estate sector.

Key Cases Under the NAR Commission Lawsuit

Burnett v. National Association of REALTORS et al.

  • Case No: 4:19-cv-00332-SRB (W.D. Mo. 2019)
  • Filed: April 20, 2019
  • Allegation: Home sellers unfairly pay the commissions of buyers’ brokers.
  • Status: Trial to begin on October 16, 2023.

Sitzer/Burnett Buyer-Broker Commissions Trial

  • Key Testimonies: Gary Keller and Marc King
  • Allegation: Conspiracy regarding commission rates.
  • Status: Defense recently concluded much of its case; jury deliberations could commence as early as Monday afternoon.

Recent Testimonies and Their Implications

Gary Keller: Debunking the Myth of Standard Commissions

Gary Keller, Co-founder of Keller Williams, recently testified in the Sitzer/Burnett case, a significant component of the NAR Commission Lawsuit. Keller challenged the widely held belief in a standard 6% commission rate in real estate transactions. He emphasized that Keller Williams does not impose any commission rates on its agents, thereby debunking the plaintiffs’ claims of a conspiracy to maintain such rates.

Marc King: No Company Mandate on Commissions

Marc King, President of Keller Williams, also took the stand in the Sitzer/Burnett case. King reinforced Gary Keller’s statements, stating unequivocally that there is no company mandate dictating commission rates. His testimony further weakened the plaintiffs’ case in the NAR Commission Lawsuit.

Upcoming Jury Deliberations

The Sitzer/Burnett trial is nearing its conclusion, with both the plaintiffs and the defense expected to present their closing arguments soon. Depending on the duration of these arguments, jury deliberations could commence as early as Monday afternoon.

Potential Implications for the Real Estate Industry

The outcomes of the NAR Commission Lawsuit could have far-reaching implications for the real estate industry. If the plaintiffs win, there could be a seismic shift in how commissions are handled, potentially affecting both real estate professionals and consumers. On the other hand, a win for the defense could maintain the status quo but would likely lead to increased scrutiny and potential regulatory changes.

The NAR Commission Lawsuit is a critical issue to watch for anyone involved in the real estate industry. With trials and testimonies ongoing, the final outcomes are still uncertain. However, what is clear is that this lawsuit has the potential to reshape the landscape of real estate commissions and antitrust regulations. Therefore, it is crucial for industry professionals to stay updated on these legal proceedings.

  1. The NAR Commission Lawsuit is one of several legal battles involving the National Association of Realtors (NAR) that could significantly affect the real estate sector.
  2. A primary focus of the NAR Commission Lawsuit is the Burnett v. National Association of REALTORS et al. case, which questions buyer-broker commissions.
  3. The trial date for the Burnett case within the NAR Commission Lawsuit is set for October 16, 2023.
  4. Another pivotal case under the umbrella of the NAR Commission Lawsuit is the Sitzer/Burnett buyer-broker commissions trial, which is approaching its final stages.
  5. Gary Keller of Keller Williams has provided key testimony in the Sitzer/Burnett case, part of the broader NAR Commission Lawsuit.
  6. Keller disputed the commonly held belief of a “standard 6% commission” during his testimony.
  7. Keller emphasized that Keller Williams does not enforce any fixed commission rates on its agents, weakening the plaintiffs’ arguments in the NAR Commission Lawsuit.
  8. Marc King, the President of Keller Williams, also testified in the Sitzer/Burnett case, reinforcing Keller’s statements.
  9. King declared that Keller Williams has no company-wide mandate on commission rates, further undermining the plaintiffs’ case in the NAR Commission Lawsuit.
  10. The testimonies of both Keller and King have weakened the conspiracy allegations central to the NAR Commission Lawsuit.
  11. The Sitzer/Burnett trial could move to jury deliberations as early as the upcoming Monday.
  12. The outcomes of the NAR Commission Lawsuit could have far-reaching implications, potentially altering commission structures and antitrust regulations.
  13. During his testimony, Keller expressed feeling personally targeted by the plaintiffs’ attorney, rather than being questioned on company policies.
  14. Keller firmly denied any belief in a “collusion theory” as a reason for stable commissions, a point raised earlier in the trial.
  15. The defense in the Sitzer/Burnett case, a component of the NAR Commission Lawsuit, has largely concluded its arguments.
  16. Closing arguments from both sides are expected soon, marking the nearing end of the Sitzer/Burnett trial within the NAR Commission Lawsuit.
  17. The article provides credible references for those interested in diving deeper into the details of the NAR Commission Lawsuit.
  18. The content is tailored for real estate professionals and consumers who want to stay updated on the NAR Commission Lawsuit.
  19. Additional real estate information specific to Evergreen, Colorado, and Marco Island, Florida, is provided via links to Orson Hill Realty and Platinum Real Estate, respectively.
  20. The article wraps up by highlighting that the jury’s decision in the NAR Commission Lawsuit could set a precedent for future real estate commission cases.
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Southwest Florida Homes for Sale avatar
@peepso_user_9(Southwest Florida Homes for Sale)
I am still in shock about the ignorance of that judge and jury. Too many "officials" and "people in charge" make laws and important decisions on subjects they have no clue about. They make laws on things that are so far above their heads that it should be criminal how incompetent they are.

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